Tuesday 28 July 2009


Ramana died 58 years ago and has many devotees in the west but few people realize his greatness in India. In India people don't have time for the likes of Ramana because they are too steeped in tradition and are engaged in ritual worship and observing superstitious claptrap. So why is Ramana relevant to us today even after 58 years ? Because his teaching is simplicity itself. No beliefs, no superstitions,no deities,no gods,no poojas,no hatred for people of other religious persuasions. No hatred for Muslims,Christians and so forth. No judging other people for not being like us. So what is his path which is is so simple ? According to Ramana there is no doer at all. We think we are the doers but all things happen because they are preordained. It does not mean however that he advocated a form of fatalism. In a dream so many things happen but can we direct the course of our dream ? So life too is just a dream and things happen as in a dream. So we need to wake up from this dream because it is unreal. We need to know who we really are and so everything we imagine ourselves to be is untrue. You imagine yourself to be a Hindu or a Muslim and in order to defend your beliefs you are prepared to even kill others and this is why we have mass genocide being perpetrated in the name of religion. The Ramana way is very simple. He says you need to investigate your true nature. Once you realize who you really are you cease to be a Brahman, Harijan, Hindu, Muslim and so on. You realize you are the indescribable presence which thought cannot touch. This presence is common to all. So discard all your foolish notions of religion and just try to be aware of the awareness within you. Thoughts will arise. What is a thought ? A thought is the words you use in the language or languages you know. So ignore these words and just watch your awareness which is very simple. You are conscious aren't you ? Just be aware of this consciousness. There will be thoughts but that is OK let them come and go but just stay focused only on your consciousness or awareness. You have nothing else to do just do this when ever and where ever you can and life will take care of the rest. The things you need for your happiness will come to you of their own accord. Stay always with your awareness and life will be good to you in ever way. When worries arise ignore your worries and stay with your awareness, when fears arise ignore your fears and stay with your awareness, when troubles arise ignore your troubles and stay with your awareness. Don't get caught up in the idea that you are your body,thoughts,feelings etc, a separate individual with a personality of your own. You are not what or who you think you are, you are the only reality there is in this world and all else is your false imagination.

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I live in India. I was born in Sri Lanka and lived in that country for the first ten years of my life. I live in Madras now and I work as an accountant in a large financial organization in the city. Reading and writing is what I like doing best. My views on life and other matters can be unconventional.