Monday 24 August 2009


First of all you need to know how many zeros are there in a billion. There are nine zeros and ten digits. I could be wrong of course because my arithmetic is not very good. Anyway to become a billionaire will take you awhile. First you got to make your first million from that point on it becomes easier. So how does one make his first million ? Do I sell something online ? I think there are many opportunities to make money online but spotting them and taking advantage of these opportunities is the tricky part. Personally I have not made any money online. So how did I make a billion pounds ? The truth is I am no where near my target of a billion pounds but I am worth about a million pounds and it took me a long time to get there. The way to make money is to invest in stocks and let me tell you I am a paid employee and on my small income I manage to save a little which I invest in stocks. I started about 15 years ago and the markets had their ups and downs but I always remained invested in 10 of the best stocks fancied by the mutual funds. I would make a reappraisal once a year to see if the mutual funds were still bullish on these stocks. In the last 15 years I have managed get an average return of 20% on my investments and this is a good track record and my wealth has grown. There were times when my average was as high as 30 to 40 % but that was before the recession. So when the markets bounce back my investments will be worth much more. Another free piece of advice you can have from me is don't go for intraday trading unless you want to throw away your money. There is nothing like adopting a good investment strategy to make your millions. I shall share with you some of my trading secrets in future posts. Another thing is even though I am close to being a millionaire I still do not intend to quit my job. I value having a job. Some of my colleagues too have benefited from my advice but they often panic when the markets are shaky. To profit you need to be in the market for the long haul. There are a few who have even done better than me. I have a friend who has a lot of experience and expertise in investing and his advice too has been most helpful to me at times. So it is good to cultivate friends who have a good understanding of the markets but it is your own knowledge alone that will help you pick the best stocks.

Thursday 13 August 2009


I don't know if any of you have heard of The Singularity. Ray Kurzwell ,a well known inventor and futurist has written a book called the, "The Singularity is Near". According to him The Singularity is a moment in time when there will be smarter than human minds as a result of the exponential advancement of technlogies which could at some point become smarter than human intelligence and artifical intelligence , brain computer interfaces and genetic engineering are just some of the technologies that are headed in this direction. When we reach the singularity (which is also the word for a black hole) we cannot really imagine what will happen as this form of intelligence could be a trillion times more intelligent than humans. There are many respectable scientists too who think this is likely to happen around the year 2040 when Artifical Intelligence Surpasses human intelligence because these technologies are growing at an exponential speed. These machines you could say are getting smarter by the day in a mind boggling way. Personally I think this could happen too but I feel in many ways nothing much has really changed except that we have more pollution and cars on the roads. So what these guys think is that when this (the gingularity) happens the human mind cannot predict what the world will be like after this because these machines will take ove the world and we are not smart enough to fathom the future beyond this point. The articles on this subect are interesting and everyone should read them and form their own opinion of this event.

I feel once the machines take over, India will at long last be rid of all its corrupt politicians and we will have cleaner roads and the machines will see to it that people ae not allowed to use loud speakers to blare out deafening music and political messages and commercials and the sacred cows will have to go too. No buffaloes and humans crapping everywhere. People will to have only one child otherwise the machines will just terminate these guys who break the laws. All law breakers will be thrown in jail and reformed. India will become spic and span and people might even give up their belief in astrologers and pundits and all the other idiots you get in India.

Sunday 2 August 2009


You are already an awakened being. First of all you need to know you are not your thoughts and feelings. They will arise and subside, you are simply not that. You are the emptiness within. Watch your emptiness and you will discover at first that there is nothing there. That is ok. You have made a beginning. You have awakened like the Buddha. Stay in this emptiness. People are afraid of emptiness but all peace and joy and life are contained in it. You are in a world surrounded by pain and suffering but stay rooted in this emptiness. What is the emptiness ? It is the awareness of being when you look within. So how am I going to deal with life's challenges ? Just stay rooted in this awareness.If doubts and questions and fears arise what then is one to do ? Just remain with it. Don't resist these arisings of the mind just examine them intensely. This intense watching is our greatest refuge from all manner of challenges.


About Me

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I live in India. I was born in Sri Lanka and lived in that country for the first ten years of my life. I live in Madras now and I work as an accountant in a large financial organization in the city. Reading and writing is what I like doing best. My views on life and other matters can be unconventional.